Ideal Loanz
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Ideal Loanz

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Ideal Loanz

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Ideal Loanz

I provide a ‘one stop’ personal service solution for clients seeking finance for life’s needs and purchases.

Working together we will discuss your finance needs and financial position. By taking the time to understand what you are planning to achieve, you will benefit from my advice and research on loans available from our extensive panel of more than 30 major bank and non-bank Lenders.

You will be provided with a written recommendation to meet your needs today and into the future, taking into consideration loan features important to maintaining your financial flexibility while achieving a highly competitive interest rate and all available discounts.

As your personal Credit Adviser, I will provide a level of service that you won’t get from your bank.

• Professional Advice – Comprehensive Researched Advice
• Choice – Loans from over 30 Bank and Non-Bank Lenders
• Personal Service – for more than just the life of your Loan

It is important to understand that all loans are provided at the same price that would apply directly from the Lender. In many cases, I am able to achieve additional discounts on rates and bank fees through effective loan structuring.

You will save an enormous amount of time and frustration; I will deal with the banks on your behalf, prepare your loan application for approval and manage the process from start to finish.

Following the settlement of your loan, you can call on me to advise and guide you for your future lending needs.

Shibu Palouse is a credit representative of Buyers Choice Licencing Pty Ltd


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420b Main North Road, Blair Athol SA, Australia

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420b Main North Road, Blair Athol SA, Australia
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